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«This is an exciting job because it combines the dynamics of the land with culture and eating habits. Flour is a product in which we find our roots. A product that has such a great story to tell.»

Fabio in Molino Denti


The desire
to grow up and be successful

Our home is Emilia: a place where we were born - as a small country mill - and grew up, until we spread our wings, leaving the province to also serve artisans in the Modena and Parma areas.

But since 2006, when our production increased thanks to the new plant, we have also been sending our products outside the region and contacting industrial companies.

This sparked the beginning of a close collaboration with many distributors active throughout the country in the bakery, pastry-making and pizza sectors, meaning that our flours soon made a name for themselves and found favour with professionals throughout Italy.

Insaccatrice Molino Denti

«When working with local customers, we experienced all the problems a village baker can experience.
They would welcome us into their houses and tell us what was going on. We had, and still have, a close relationship with them, because they too, like us, are family businesses».

FABIO Notari
La sfida di guardare lontano in Molino Denti


The challenge
to look far

Expanding into the Italian market has allowed us to learn to work on much larger numbers and to deal with larger realities, building a solid and capillary sales network.

Crossing our national borders was the next step, a step we successfully took in France, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Germany, the UK, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Brazil, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

Our latest achievement has been conquering the United States, a huge and fast-growing market that offers us a great opportunity: to take our flours, our history and our family passion overseas.

Fabio seduto su sacchi di farina Infibra

«The demand for Italian flours abroad continues to grow, especially in the world of pizza. They are interested in trying our products, because they know that this is our tradition. Then, once they try them, they fall in love with them».

FABIO Notari


Much more than

If we are what we are, it is thanks to our flours, their quality and uniqueness; but this alone is not enough.

Before developing a new flour, it is essential to know the needs of its users, so that we can help them produce better by appealing to consumer tastes.

You have to be able to count on trusted technicians and collaborators, who 'breathe the air of the mill' and share values and goals with us, so as to pass them on to the customer.

Above all, you have to be humble and have respect for everyone, because the only real results worth achieving are those we achieve together.

«We welcome people, we enthusiastically share what we know and we always commit personally to everything we do.
Everyone is capable of saying that their product is better, but the customer chooses you for who you really are».

FABIO Notari

Il mercato di Molino Denti