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«When it comes to the grain, I can tell you the weight, strength, protein and whether it is ready for milling.
Touch it, let it run it through your fingers. The grain speaks: you just have to listen.»

Ermanno in Molino Denti


A story
that begins from afar

The history of Molino Denti began in 1955, in the countryside of Reggio Emilia, when a family of farmers decided to take over a small village mill.

With the economic boom, the mill grew, becoming more modern and increasing its production.

Hard times followed, with consumption trends falling, austerity taking hold and the family encountering a series of problems. At the beginning of the 1980s, Ermanno, the son of one of the five founding brothers, took over the reins. Together with his wife Franca and three workers, he found himself running everything with the aim of relaunching the business.

The company endured, overcoming those difficult years, and Ermanno and Franca's children - Sabrina, Alan and Alberto - also joined the company and started working in the mill. They are already the third generation. And this is only the beginning.

Ermanno in azienda in Molino Denti

«I started as a boy and to help my father I worked night shifts at the mill. There I would spend my time experimenting with flours and then run to the bakers because I wanted to understand the result right away. That’s how it all began, a bit for fun. And after such a long time I still enjoy what I do».

Ermanno in stabilimento Molino Denti

A family
that's growing

In 2006, the business left the historic mill in Albinea to expand and move to new premises, an ultra-modern factory capable of producing up to 200 tonnes of flour per day.

The local customers are joined by many others throughout Italy, thanks also to the development of a widespread sales network. The transition to an industrial company was finally accomplished in 2011, with the purchase of a second mill in Vicofertile, bringing the total production capacity to over 500 tonnes per day.

Today, Molino Denti is an international benchmark for soft wheat processing and innovation in the field of flour.

A family business that has grown up, and is preparing to open its doors to the fourth generation.

Stabilimento Molino Denti lavorazione farina

«I remember the scent of the sheaves that would lie in the farmyard for weeks, ripening in the sun. I was still a child. In all these years, my task has been to bring that memory back to life in my flours».



What really matters, 
never disappears

Our work is largely based on experience, the desire to get to know our wheat and appreciate all its richness.

Today, technology helps us to do better and produce more, guaranteeing that our customers receive good, safe and suitable flours, but everything still revolves around our people. 

As a family, we want to ensure that our passion and our wealth of knowledge is passed on to future generations, keeping our name and the quality of our products alive.

This is the legacy we pledge to leave to those who will come after us and to all those around the world who rely on the value and uniqueness of Denti flours.

«My children grew up here and learned early on to make their own commitments and contribute with their own ideas. This is how we do what we do and this is how we will move forward. This is our home and producing flour is the family business».


Pesa con sacchi di farina Infibra in Molino Denti
Lavorazine tostatore Molino Denti

A new taste 
with an age-old flavour

Stabilising the raw material, making it suitable for the various processes and easier to store, while extracting all the natural flavours.

This is the purpose of roasting, a method that has always been used for coffee, cocoa or almonds, and which we had the idea of applying to wheat germ, bran, middlings and all the noble parts of the grain.

Thanks to this process - which takes place in a completely artisanal manner inside the mill using a special low-temperature roaster - we are able to enrich our flours with the noblest parts of the grain.

Unique flours with strong flavours such as those in the INFIBRA range, suitable for bread, pizza, pasta, cakes and baked goods, bringing all the nutrients, taste and aroma of wheat to the table.

Attesa tostatura Molino Denti

«There is no fixed time or temperature. There are no rules, because the wheat germ is a living thing and every day is different. When it is ready I can tell by the scent and the colour. One must simply wait for the right moment».