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Selezione Denti flours

Per Pane

Farina di grano tenero consigliata per la preparazione di tutti i tipi di pane che non richiedano tempi eccessivamente lunghi di lavorazione. E’ adatta all‘uso con macchina del pane e all’impiego anche con aggiunta di semi o altri condimenti.

Characteristics of the Flour




W220 - W250

Pack size

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INFIBRA spirulina


Spirulina with seeds

W290-W310 | Flour for professional use with the addition of Italian organic spirulina algae, sunflower seeds and hemp seeds. Ideal for bread, focaccia, pizza, bread sticks and fresh pasta.

INFIBRA primamacina


Primamacina Bread

W240-W260 | Soft wheat flour for professional use, ideal for rustic bread, pan pizza and focaccia.

Panetteria tipo00 celeste

Bread-making line

Type 00

From W220 to W310 | Professional flours recommended for short and medium leavening and direct processing or short biga.


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